why West End Richmond Handyman?

Commitment to Communication

we always do our best to Provide Clear And Accurate Information About The Services Being Offered And The Costs Involved so that you feel confident Before, During, And After Your Work Is Completed.

Flexible Schedules

Scheduling jobs can be tricky but we work diligently to provide services at a time that is convenient for you!

Qualified & Equipped

We have the tools and experience to Handle A Wide Range Of Handyman Tasks. Don't See the service you're looking for? Ask if we can do it!

Company Values

Our motto is "a Higher call to service". when you hire WER Handyman, you can expect quality work, respectful interactions, and a safe working environment.

about us

West End Richmond Handyman is a professional handyman service which focuses on the Richmond and West End areas. We are able to handle a wide range of tasks, from minor home repairs and maintenance to medium sized projects. We use high-quality tools and materials to ensure the best results for our customers and offer prompt and reliable service. WER Handyman is known for our commitment to customer satisfaction, and we have a track record of positive reviews and satisfied clients. Overall, West End Richmond Handyman is a trusted and reliable choice for all of your handyman needs in the Richmond and West End area.

our customer reviews


"It's been really hard finding a handyman to get work done. Between not showing up for jobs or not calling back, it felt like we'd never get our projects completed around the house. We were so happy to come across Philip and WER Handyman. He is kind, considerate and gets the job done quickly. Definitely our go-to guy!"


"I've used Richmond Handyman for a few different projects now, and each time they have been professional, reliable, and produced excellent results. I highly recommend them for any handyman needs."


"I hired Philip to repair a section of my deck that had rotting wood and stability issues. He was able to knock the project out in a few days and my deck is now SOLID. We'll definitely be using him again."


"When I hired Philip, I only had a couple of things in mind to get completed. He exceeded my expectations and got the job done quickly. I ended up adding a few more tasks to the list and will continue to reach out to him as things come up in the future."


"I was in a bind when my kitchen sink started leaking, and Philip was able to come out the same day to fix it. He was efficient and did a great job. I highly recommend him!"

how it works


Select the service(s) you need from the "Book Now" tab. If you don't see your service, feel free to request a free consultation! We ask that you provide as much detail as possible about your service such as brands/models, photos of the repair or desired task, and customer specific information.

For A Detailed Description, Photos Of The Work To Be Done, And The Location Your Home Is In So That We Can Give The Best Quote Possible. The More Info You Share In Our Form, The Faster We Can Add You To The Schedule.


We Will Review Your Inquiry, And Send A Quote Via Email. Once You’ve Accepted The Quote, You’ll Be Added To The Schedule And You’ll Pay A Retainer To Hold The Date Scheduled.


When we arrive on site, we work quickly and efficiently to get the job done.


All done! With those tasks and projects crossed off your To Do List, you can finally sit back and enjoy your space.